Walking Lens was an exclusive photography exhibition, Presented by MMCWS(Madhurupa Memorial Cancer Welfare Society) in remembrance of Madhurupa on her 1st death anniversary and World Cancer Day. MMCWS is an ngo established in 2022 in memory of Madhurupa for the cancer awareness and welfare of the cancer patients of Tripura and help them whenever possible.

Keeping madhurupa’s immense interest in photography as a mindset behind this event, it was actualized with participation of various artist from all over the state.
The event was an amalgamation of cultural performances by Souvik Saha, Prasanjit Bhowmik, Shanit Debnath, Kishalay Das, Aradhita Deb, Subhrapratim Bhattacharjee and spectacular presentation of photographic work which took place in the Art Gallery located in City Centre on 4th and 5th February 2023.

It saw multitude of footfall and presence from the audience and was widely appreciated. MMCWS expects that this type of events appreciate more hand to join in to fight against cancer as well as acknowledgement of the photographic minds in the state, said by Subhadip Bhattacharya, Asst. Secretary, MMCWS.