The improvement of the tourism sector in Tripura has been stressed by the state government. Tourism Minister Sushanta Chowdhury chaired a review meeting with the officials of the Tourism Department at Shwet Mahal.

During the review meeting, Tourism Minister Sushanta Chowdhury said that on the map of international tourism, Tripura’s tourist sector has to be highlighted. On April 3–4, Tripura will host the G-20 Science Summit. To take part in this conference, representatives from several nations will be in the state. Tourist attractions in the state will be showcased to foreign delegates. Because of this, tourist attractions are made appealing. Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Limited and Tourism Department should pay special attention to this work.

Tourism Minister also said, “this is the biggest opportunity for Tripura to highlight the potential of the state’s tourism industry to the world.”

Significantly, Minister Sushanta Chowdhury directed authorities to appoint Brand Ambassador for Tourism in the State. He emphasized launching package tours in the tourist centers of the state, developing Tea-garden based tourist centers, and constructing boat houses in Dumbur reservoir.

However, Tourism Minister directed the authorities to construct a cultural stage and food court at the Ujjayanta Palace. To draw and enhance the number of tourists to Ujjayanta Palace, he also asked to see if this cultural stage could be considered for holding cultural programs on Saturdays and Sundays every week. He directed the concerned authorities to start the sale of traditional dresses of the state by opening a permanent sales center in front of Ujjayanta Palace