Specialist Doctors of the Cardiology Department of Agartala Government Medical College and GBP Hospital have created a rare precedent in the North Eastern region.

By performing an intricate PDS stenting on her heart, the cardiology specialists at the hospital managed to save the life of a 14-day-old baby.

The neonate’s heart was determined to be having issues with low levels of oxygen after birth on May 25. The infant was 2.8 kg in weight. The infant was given continuous oxygen assistance of 60 percent oxygen to reach saturation by doctors in the hospital’s cardiology department.

Immediately, the doctors of the cardiology department identified a defect in the child’s heart (pulmonary atresia) by performing a 2D echocardiography.

In that situation, as the health condition of the baby was rapidly deteriorating, the doctors decided to have a heart stenting on June 3. When transferred to the cath lab in such a situation, the baby’s oxygen saturation dropped by 30 percent.

Doctors stented the neonate’s heart with PDS on June 3. It takes roughly two hours and Thirty minutes to complete this operation.

After the procedure, her condition improved rapidly, and her oxygen saturation increased to 94 percent. The baby was kept in the NICU pediatric department under close observation. Dr. Anindya Sundar Trivedi, in-charge head of department and consultant cardiologist of the cardiology department, Dr. Rakesh Das, consultant cardiologist of the cardiology department, anesthesiologist Dr. Surjit Pal, cardiac anesthesiologist Dr. Manimoy Devavarma along with Dr. Shreyasi Deb, Dr. Arghapratim Nath, Dr. Prastha Bose, Dr. Dipshri Debbarma and Dr. Samrat Das, and others were in the team of this process.

The baby girl’s surgery was completely free through the collaboration of Pradhan Mantri Ayushman Bharat Yojana and AGMC’s RKS Pharmacy. It is to be noted that the minimum cost of performing the surgery in another state is three lakh rupees.

Noteworthy, the neonate’s condition has improved and was moved from the NICU to the general ward of the Paediatric Department. She is now recovering entirely without oxygen.