In a prestigious ceremony, the President of India conferred the Shaurya Chakra on five brave officers from the Jammu and Kashmir Police and one member of a Village Defence Committee (VDC). The distinguished gallantry award recognizes their exceptional valor and dedication to duty in the face of grave danger.

The honored police officers have demonstrated extraordinary courage and resilience in various counter-terrorism operations across Jammu and Kashmir. Their commitment to maintaining peace and security in one of India’s most challenging regions underscores the crucial role played by law enforcement personnel in safeguarding the nation. Each recipient’s story is a testament to their unwavering bravery and the sacrifices made to protect their fellow citizens.

Including a VDC member in this year’s Shaurya Chakra awardees highlights the vital contributions of local community defenders in ensuring security and stability in their regions. Village Defence Committees, often comprised of local volunteers, work closely with security forces to counteract insurgent activities and maintain law and order. The recognition serves as an inspiration to all, emphasizing the importance of collective effort in upholding national security and fostering a spirit of resilience and patriotism among citizens.