After plunging her six-year-old son into a canal that is known to be home to crocodiles, a 32-year-old lady in Uttara Kannada, Karnataka, has been charged with murder, according to the police.

The incident happened in Halamadi village on a Saturday night. Due to their son Vinod’s hearing and speech handicap, the mom, named Savitri, and her husband, Ravi Kumar (36), reportedly had frequent arguments.

Police claim that about nine o’clock at night, Savitri tossed Vinod into the canal after a furious quarrel. The canal leads to the River Kali, which is teeming with crocodiles.

Due to the darkness, search efforts by police and fire department divers were hindered, and on Saturday night, Vinod’s body was not found.

The child’s body was found by the search team early on Sunday morning after it had half consumed his right hand by a crocodile. According to reports, the body had bite marks and other trauma.

After appearing in court, Savitri and Ravi Kumar—a housekeeper and a mason helper, respectively—were remanded to 14 days of judicial prison.
Savitri blamed her husband for their son’s murder and accused him of torturing her mentally when speaking to the media.

“My spouse bears responsibility.” He insisted on letting [Vinod] perish. My spouse claimed that eating is all he does. “Let him be,” I would advise. How much more suffering could my son have to go through if my husband keeps saying things like this? However, he would not stop telling me to let the child die,” she asserted.