WORLD: India has made a significant leap in the World Economic Forum’s Travel & Tourism Development Index, securing the 39th position in 2024. This marks a notable improvement from its previous standing at 54th in 2021, signaling a promising future for the nation’s travel and tourism sector.

The country’s ascent in the rankings is a reflection of its rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and competitive pricing, which continue to attract travelers worldwide. India’s air transport infrastructure has also received recognition, ranking 26th globally, while its ground and port infrastructure stands at 25th.

Notably, India has achieved top scores in natural and cultural resources, ranking 6th and 9th respectively. This distinction places India among the top three countries to score in the top 10 for all resource pillars.

Sustainable tourism has seen a rise in India, with a focus on longer, more sustainable stays among inbound visitors. However, the overall Travel and Tourism Development Index (TTDI) score has seen a slight decrease of 2.1% compared to 2019, attributed to global inflation and lingering supply issues.

The World Economic Forum anticipates a return to pre-pandemic levels for international tourist arrivals and the travel and tourism sector’s contribution to global GDP this year. The lifting of COVID-19-related travel restrictions and a strong demand for travel are driving this positive outlook.

India’s progress in the global travel and tourism rankings highlights the country’s potential for further growth and underscores the promise of a thriving tourism industry in the years to come. This development is a beacon of hope and opportunity, not just for the travel sector, but for the broader economic landscape of India.