STATE: Health care service is one of the priority areas of the state government. Due to development in the health sector, the rate of child death and delivery-related deaths has reduced to a great extent, and so is in the case of tuberculosis and malaria, stated the chief minister Dr.Manik Saha after officially launching the state-level Stop Diarrhoea campaign at Pragna Bhavan today. The Chief Minister said prevention is the best practice in the healthcare sector. Cleanliness is a key factor in the prevention of diseases and all have to be aware of this.

The Chief Minister also said the state government has been regularly organizing health camps at different places across the state to spread health awareness. In this regard, Anganwadi Workers and ASHA workers have to play a major role. Vaccination programs are also going on. In health camps malaria, blood sugar, blood pressure, etc. health issues are being detected and necessary medicines are being distributed. Awareness about prevention is being generated and medicated mosquito nets are being distributed.

The CM said, under the Rashtriya Bal Shishu Swasthya Karyakram children. Adolescents of 0-18 years are given free medical check-ups and treatment. Additionally, as per an MoU signed between Appollo Hospital in Chennai and the Government of Tripura, children with health issues will have the facility of surgery free of cost. He said every month health fairs are being held in health centers across the state to deliver better healthcare facilities in rural areas. Through these fairs, free diagnosis and counseling on diabetes, blood pressure, cancer, heart disease, stroke, etc. are given. Under the Nikshay Poshan scheme, Rs. 500 is being given to TB patients for their nutritious food intake. The amount is being directly transferred to their bank accounts. The CM said, our state has been honored with the best performer award in the field of TB elimination program. To create awareness about food safety mobile food testing laboratory has been launched.