STATE: Governor Indra Sena Reddy Nallu visited Agartala Government Medical and GBP Hospital on Thursday morning.

During the visit, Governor Nallu visited all the departments of the GBP Hospital and checked out all the facilities available in the department.

The Governor said that such a friendly environment should be created in the hospital so that patients have no fear about the hospital. Moreover, the Governor also inquired about the facilities of the Agartala Government Medical College.

After visiting the Medical College college and Hospital, Governor Indrasena Reddy Nallu held a meeting with the Secretary of the Health Department, Director of the Health and Family Welfare Department, Principal of AGMC, College Staff, Chief Medical Officer of GB Hospital, Medical Superintendent of GB Hospital in the council room of AGMC.

In the meeting, the AGMC Principal informed the Governor about various facilities, MBB and PG course seats, etc., of Agartala Government Medical College. To serve patients with a service mindset, the Governor urged the doctors. He claimed that if adequate medical services had been offered in Government Hospitals, people would not go to private ones.

In the meeting, the doctors and other staff of AGMC and GB Hospital felicitated the Governor.