NATIONAL : The Election Commission of India has asked political parties not to use derogatory words for persons with disabilities in public discourse, saying usage of such semantics in the speech by politicians and candidates can be interpreted as an affront to such people.

In an advisory issued to parties on Wednesday, the poll panel said the very foundation of democracy lies in the representation of all communities in the electoral process.

“Of late, the Commission has been made aware of the use of derogatory or offensive language in the political discourse about people with disabilities (PwDs). Usage of such semantics in speech/campaign by members of any political parties or their candidates can be interpreted as an affront to the PwDs,” it warned.

Common examples of ableist language, the advisory said, are words like dumb (gunga), retarded (pagal, sirphira), blind (andha, kana), deaf (behra), lame (langda, lula, apahij) etc. It is necessary to avoid the usage of such derogatory language. The guidelines stated that PwDs need to be accorded justice and respect in political discourse/campaign.

The Right for Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, provides for the protection of rights of the Persons with Disabilities. Section 7 of the said Act protects from all forms of abuse, violence, and exploitation. Further, Section 92 of the above-mentioned Act lists out punishment for such offences, it said.