STATE: Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha attended the 125th year of the celebration of the Ramakrishna Mission at Vivek Nagar this Sunday.

While addressing the occasion as a chief guest, Chief Minister Saha said, Man service is service to God. Pursuing this ideal, Ramakrishna Mission is engaged in various service activities all over the world. Along with human service, Ramakrishna Mission continues to work on spiritual thinking.

On the occasion, the Chief Minister also said that for 125 years, the Ramakrishna Mission is continuing its work smoothly. It is not a simple issue. Only with the blessings of Maa Saradadevi and Ramakrishna Paramahansadeb is this feasible.

According to the Chief Minister, to create a healthy society and raise the next generation of patriotic citizens, we must go forward by adopting the principles of Swami Vivekananda and the Ramakrishna Mission, which was founded by him. since Swami Vivekananda’s philosophy is still relevant to us today.

The Ramakrishna Mission School is a proud educational institution of our state, the Chief Minister noted at the time.

The institution is also admired by the parents of the pupils. The state has a varied range of traditions and cultures. The rich culture and traditions of Tripura are being held and carried by Ramakrishna Mission.

He said that we ought to emulate Ramakrishna Mission’s service-oriented approach. The principles of Swami Vivekananda will be adequately put into practice only then.

On the other hand, Swami Vivekananda established the Ramakrishna Mission on May 1, 1897. For 125 years, this mission has been continuously working in the service of humanity. Ramakrishna Mission has always stood by the people in need, the secretary of Ramakrishna Mission said.