In a horrifying incident, Delhi classmates sexually abused and mercilessly beat a Class 8 lad. The youngster was reportedly hospitalized for approximately a month following the event, which took place within the school. According to accounts, the victim’s intestines were injured when one of the child’s classmates stuck a stick inside of him.

According to accounts, the mother of the 14-year-old victim recounted the horrifying event and claimed that her son had been deceived into leaving the class by a group of other classmates, who then attacked and sexually and physically abused him on March 18. The other children assaulted and tormented him, and then they had him take off his clothing.

After stripping, the other youngsters gave him a stick beating and stuck the stick in his rectum. His intestine was severely damaged by the stick that was inserted, and they threatened to do more damage if the victim told anybody about the experience.
The young child, scared as he was by what had happened, told no one about the experience and was bearing the excruciating pain in silence.

The victim’s mother has urged the school administration and legal authorities to act swiftly and decisively against the students involved in the heinous conduct, and she has asked for a CBI investigation into the incident.

The mother also stated that fear is the reason her child gets up in the middle of the night. The woman added that the victim would require another surgery because the doctors had informed them that only a small number of the victim’s internal organs had been injured.