STATE: The traditional Kharchi festival and fair of the state are starting on July 14. This 7-day-long fair takes on a universal form with the participation of the people of the nation. A preparatory meeting was held at the West Tripura District Magistrate’s office on Thursday evening on the occasion of organizing this festival and fair at Chaturdasa Devata temple premises in Khayerpur. MLA Ratan Chakraborty was present at the meeting. He urged everyone to come forward to help organize the 7-day fair successfully.

At the meeting, the District Magistrate Dr. Vishal Kumar discussed various issues of organizing the Kharchi festival and fair. District Magistrate also advised the concerned departments to take quick steps to complete the festival and fair. Extensive discussions were held on the renovation of the roads leading to the temple, the provision of electricity on the roads, adequate lighting in the temple and fair premises, drinking water for pilgrims, car parking, the distribution of stalls, health services, traffic control, etc.

In the meeting, it was decided that different government exhibition stalls would be opened this year, like every year. During the fair, cultural programs will be held every day under the initiative of the Department of Information and Culture. Artists from different parts of the state will participate in it.