NATIONAL: In a recent move to bolster efficiency and discipline within its workforce, the Central Government has issued a stern warning regarding tardiness to all its employees. The notice, circulated across various departments, emphasizes the government’s commitment to maintaining high standards of punctuality and productivity.

It further states that repeated tardiness will no longer be tolerated and may lead to strict disciplinary action, including deductions in wages and adverse remarks in service records.

This directive comes in the wake of reports highlighting the casual approach of some employees towards office timings, leading to delays in public service delivery. The government has made it clear that such behaviour undermines the efforts to create a more responsive and citizen-centric administration.

Employees are advised to adhere strictly to their designated working hours and are reminded that their commitment is crucial for the smooth functioning of government machinery. The administration hopes this step will encourage a culture of punctuality and responsibility among its employees, ultimately contributing to more efficient governance.

Nonetheless, the government has sent a clear message that time management and professionalism are key to career progression within its ranks.