NATIONAL: In a significant move to ensure road safety and accountability, the Indian government has reiterated the importance of having valid motor third-party insurance for all vehicles plying on the roads. As per Section 146 of the Motor Vehicles Act, of 1988, every motor vehicle must have an insurance policy that covers third-party risks.

In the recent press release by Govt of India highlighted that driving or allowing an uninsured vehicle to be driven without a valid motor third party insurance is not only a legal requirement but also a moral obligation. The law stipulates that such offenders are liable to face severe penalties, including imprisonment and fines.

For first-time offenders, the punishment can be imprisonment for up to three months, or a fine of Rs. 2,000, or both. In case of subsequent offenses, the penalties are more stringent, with imprisonment for up to three months a fine of Rs. 4,000, or both.

This measure is aimed at providing support to victims in case of accidents or damages and ensuring that all road users are responsible for their actions. Vehicle owners are urged to check the status of their motor third-party insurance and renew it promptly if necessary.

The enforcement officials will impose these penalty provisions on vehicles found to be plying without a valid motor third-party insurance cover. Every driver needs to comply with this law to avoid legal repercussions and contribute.