To deliver and disseminate education throughout the state, the state School Education Department has come up with a novel idea.

The school education department has launched the first-ever “School Boat” in Dumboor Lake.

On Saturday, Chief Minister Dr. Manik Saha shared this on his Twitter and applauded this remarkable idea.

“First-ever ‘School Boat’ dedicated to serving the students residing in the enchanting islands of the breathtaking Dumboor Lake. A big round of applause and appreciation to the indomitable spirit of BPC Karbook, who turned this remarkable idea into a reality”, CM Saha twitted.

Moreover, CM Saha expressed, “With the introduction of this innovative initiative, we are ensuring that no student is left behind in their pursuit of education.”

He also stated, “Our commitment to providing equal opportunities for every child remains steadfast and unwavering.”

In addition, the Director of Secondary Education Chandni Chandran said through Twitter that, “First designated ‘School Boat’ of Tripura to cater to the needs of students residing in islands of the beautiful Dumboor lake. Kudos to the spirit of Shri Damodar Tripura, BPC Karbook who made it a reality No student left behind.”