Youth are the biggest treasure of the country. They must be utilized to build a developed nation and state. Besides, the mentality to work for the humankind and their country has to be generated among the youth, enunciated Chief Minister Prof. (Dr.) Manik Saha after inaugurating a seminar and a blood donation camp on “Drug-Free Tripura” organized by Tripura NSS Unit and Youth Affairs & Sports department at Rabindra Bhawan today. 
Chief Minister said NSS helps generate the mentality of involving oneself in social work and a positive attitude among students. NSS was launched during the birth centenary of Mahatma Gandhi in 1969.
Chief Minister said NSS was formed with 600 volunteers from 6 schools in the state in 1976. Presently, there are 389 NSS units in the state with 34 thousand 300 volunteers. Apart from that, the NSS unit has 6 self-funds with 600 volunteers. He said the NSS volunteers had stood time after time whenever the state faced any natural calamity. Chief Minister Saha hoped that these NSS volunteers would continue to do the same in the future. 
He said the NSS volunteers must take responsibility for building a healthy society. They must play a vital role in building a Drug-Free Tripura, responding to the call for the state government. Besides, awareness must be created so that everyone can strongly stand against drug dealers. 
Saha claimed Tripura was second in the Northeast in terms of destruction of drugs after Assam and appealed to NSS (National Service Scheme) volunteers to take the lead in tackling the situation, which he termed as “grave.”
He also appealed to the students of schools and colleges to identify ones taking drugs and inform the authorities to take remedial measures and also urged the youth to come forward to donate blood.